Paws, Plans, and Peace of Mind: Ensuring Care for Your Pets in Your Estate Plan

When creating an estate plan, it’s natural to think about how your loved ones will be provided for after your passing. But what about your beloved pets? While pets are considered property under the law—and therefore cannot inherit money or assets directly—you can take steps to ensure they receive the care and resources they need for a happy life.

Here’s how you can include your pets in your estate planning.

Provide for Your Pet’s Future Care

To make sure your pet is well cared for after you’re gone, your estate plan should address two key concerns:

  1. Ensuring your pet is placed with a loving caretaker.

  2. Providing the financial resources needed for your pet’s care.

Having a clear plan in place helps protect your pet from uncertainty and ensures their needs are met.

Options for Including Pets in Your Estate Plan

Depending on your situation and preferences, there are several ways to make arrangements for your pet’s care. Whether you opt for a simple agreement or a detailed legal structure, open communication with potential caretakers is essential. Make sure the person or organization you choose is willing and able to take on the responsibility.

Include Your Pet in Your Will

Although you cannot directly leave money or property to your pet, you can use your will to designate a trusted caretaker for your pet and provide them with funds for care. For example:

Mark, concerned about his dog Brandy’s future, discusses her care with his sister Laura. Laura agrees to take Brandy but worries about covering her expenses. Ben updates his will to leave Brandy to Laura along with $1,500 for her care. This ensures Brandy has a loving home and her needs are covered.

Keep in mind, however, that money left this way becomes the legal property of the caretaker. While you can express your wishes that the funds be used for your pet’s care, there’s no legal obligation for the caretaker to follow through. To strengthen your plan, name an alternate caretaker in case your first choice is unable to fulfill the role.

Establish a Pet Trust

For a more robust legal arrangement, consider creating a pet trust. This option allows you to:

  • Specify who will care for your pet.

  • Allocate funds for your pet’s needs.

  • Establish legally enforceable instructions for their care.

A pet trust creates accountability, ensuring that funds are used as intended. It also allows you to outline what should happen if you’re unable to care for your pet before your death. However, pet trusts can be more expensive and complex than simpler arrangements, and they require careful planning.

Work with Pet Legacy Organizations

If you don’t have a trusted individual to take on your pet’s care, consider working with an organization dedicated to this purpose. Many SPCAs, veterinary schools, and private sanctuaries offer programs that ensure pets are cared for after their owners pass away. These programs often come with specific requirements and may involve financial contributions to support your pet’s lifelong care.

Start Planning for Your Pet’s Future Today

Your pet is a cherished member of your family, and their well-being is an important consideration in your estate plan. Whether you choose a simple arrangement, a pet trust, or work with a legacy organization, the key is to plan ahead and communicate your wishes clearly.

At our Harris-Pero Law Firm, we understand how much you care about your pets. We’re here to help you explore your options and create a plan that ensures they’ll continue to receive love and care when you’re no longer able to provide it.

Contact us today to discuss including your pets in your estate plan.


At Harris-Pero Law, we understand just how important pets are—they’re family! That’s why we’re passionate about helping you plan for your pet’s future. Above are some of our beloved pets who inspire us every day to ensure that all animals can enjoy a secure and loving forever home, no matter what life brings.


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Megan Harris-Pero Featured in NYS Bar Association Elder & Special Needs Law Journal