Business Law
Business Law includes the process of forming, purchasing, structuring and planning for the sale or succession of a legal business entity.
At Harris-Pero Law Firm, PLLC, we work to identify the best legal structure for forming a new entity, whether that be a Sole Proprietorship (DBA), Limited Liability Company (LLC), Corporation (C or S Corporation), Not-For-Profit Corporation, or a Partnership. Once formed, we assist our clients in drafting, reviewing, and filing documents with government agencies to ensure compliance. We provide our business clients with detailed company records and checklists to ensure proper care and handling of each entity.
For Agricultural Businesses we utilize our experience with agricultural-specific laws and tax programs to coordinate business planning with your Estate Planning whenever possible, and communicate with tax professionals to assist with qualification for the Farmer’s School Tax Credit; Manufacturer’s Credit; STAR; and Agricultural Assessment Programs.
We have seen in our practice that no two businesses are identical, and options that are appropriate for one business may not be right for another. Contact us to start talking about what makes your business unique, and let us help you be planned and prepared legally for your business.