Documents for a Public Health Crisis

As we’re learning everyday, a health crisis can effect people of all ages. 

If you or your loved ones are over the age of 18, you should have the necessary legal documents in place to ensure someone can assist you should you fall ill and be unable to manage your financial or health related needs. 

According to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), even if you are the parent or the insurance holder of an individual who is hospitalized, without these documents you have no legal right to obtain medical information on your legal-aged son or daughter. 

Whether your child is traveling, going away to school, or staying local they should be equipped with a Health Care Proxy and Power of Attorney.

A Health Care Proxy allows you to authorize another person to make medical decisions, obtain medical records, and converse with medical and health care providers on your behalf. 

A Power of Attorney allows you to designate a person to make certain legal and financial decisions on your behalf. These documents can be vital in an emergency and can avoid costly guardianship proceedings.



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