Small Steps to Make Your Small Business Green

If your small business is anything like ours you probably go through a lot of paper. And pens. And cardboard. And the list could go on.

There are lots of things that our small businesses use that we can make better choices about and maybe even get a little bit of a tax break.

1)      Office Supplies

Office supplies, as long as they are ordinary and necessary, are already tax deductible. With that in mind, we can better choices about the supplies we buy and use by purchasing recycled paper, reusing supplies like sign here stickers, and thinking about greener choices like reusable cups for the break room supplies. Supplies may be a small business deduction but remember that it is there and that you can go green on every day items without breaking the bank.

2)      Charitable Donations

Donating to charity can get you a tax deduction. Many of us think only of donations of money but you can donate property to specific organizations. If you donate property, you will need to keep records for donations of each item and be able to substantiate the value. For more information regarding valuing property and qualified organizations click here. If you are donating money be sure that the mission aligns with your wishes and your hopes for the future. You may wish to talk with your financial and tax advisors before donating to ensure that you are maximizing your donation.

Want more Green Deductions? Take a look at the Database of State Incentives for Renewable and Efficiency. They have resources that can guide you and your financial advisors towards different green options for your business.

3) Office Care

In the care and keeping of your office you can make easy sustainable swaps. My office uses eco-friendly cleaning supplies as well as reusable cups and mugs. This cuts down on waste and harmful chemicals in the office. We recycle non-sensitive paper and do our best to use any scrap paper that we have. We are in a great location that allows us to walk to the post office rather than drive and we do our best to ensure that lights are shut off when they are not needed.

Staying eco-friendly can be challenging, but we do our best. Do you have any tips for keeping your office eco- friendly?


Beyond My Battle


Eco-friendly in Life and Death