Megan Harris-Pero Megan Harris-Pero

Nothing Left after the Nursing Home

Nursing home care can be expensive. Learn how to plan ahead with an elder law attorney for your assets and your family with these tips from the Harris-Pero Law Firm.

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Megan Harris-Pero Megan Harris-Pero

Farm Transitions and Succession Planning

Megan Harris-Pero recently participated in a Farm Transition Workshop at Knox Town Hall, which was a perfect addition to her recent work on a video series on Farm Succession Planning with the Adirondack Land Trust.

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Elder Law Jean Ducrot Elder Law Jean Ducrot

What is Matilda’s Law?

Matilda’s Law includes recommendations to remain indoors whenever possible, going outdoors for solitary exercise, screening all visitors by taking their temperatures, wearing a mask in the company of others, and practicing social distancing by staying at least 6 feet from others.

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